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个人简介沈树忠,2001-2018为中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员,现南京大学地球科学与工程学院教授,2015年当选为中国科学院院士。主要从事生物大灭绝等深时生命与环境演化方面的研究,在Science、Science Advances、EPSL、Geology等国际知名刊物上发表论380余篇(部),其中主编或撰写论文集和专著20部。曾获得国家自然基金委杰出青年基金,获得的基金委优秀创新群体连续9年获得优先资助,主持科技部973基础研究计划(2006)和基金委重大项目(2017, 2023)等。获得国际地层委员会个人金奖(2019)、国家自然科学二等奖(2010,排名第二)、优秀回国人员成就奖(2002)和李四光地质科学奖(2015)和何梁何利奖(2022)等。2012-2020任国际二叠纪地层分会主席,2020年8月任国际地层委员会副主席。 教育经历1978.10-1981.7:浙江煤炭工业学校地质专业读中专。 1981.8-1983.9:浙江省长广煤矿技术员。 1983.10-1986.7:中国矿业大学北京研究生部,攻读硕士学位。 1986.9-1989.7:中国矿业大学,攻读博士学位。 1986.7-1989.9:中国矿业大学地质系助教。 1989.8-1991.10:中国矿业大学地质系讲师。 1991.11-1996.10:中国矿业大学地质系副教授。 1996.10-1997.6:博士后, Niigata University, Japan。 1997.6-2000.12:博士后, Deakin University, Australia。 2001.1-2018.11:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员.博士生导师。 2018.11-:南京大学地球科学与工程学院,教授。 工作经历1986.7-1989.9:中国矿业大学地质系助教。 1989.8-1991.10:中国矿业大学地质系讲师。 1991.11-1996.10:中国矿业大学地质系副教授。 1996.10-1997.6:博士后, Niigata University, Japan。 1997.6-2000.12:博士后, Deakin University, Australia。 2001.1-2018.11:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员。 2018.11-:南京大学地球科学与工程学院,教授,博士生导师。 学术兼职2022.2~: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoeoclogy,共同主编 2020.8~:国际地层委员会副主席。 2012.8-2020.7:国际二叠纪分会主席和国际地层委员会选举委员。 2006-2012.8:国际乐平统工作组主席(The International Lopingian Working Group)。 2007.6~:石炭-二叠纪大会常设委员会委员。 2016.12~:生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室学术委员会主任。 2017.2~:南京大学生物与环境演化科教融合中心主任。 2006.3-2016.2:现代古生物学与地层学国家重点实验室主任。 2012.12-2018.2: 《中国科学-地球科学》编委。 2014.5-2018.10:《Palaeoworld》主编。 2019.8-2024.8: 南京大学学术委员会成员。 2019.11~: 南京大学地球科学与工程学院学术委员会主任。 研究方向地质历史时期生物与环境的相互作用。主要研究:1)生物大灭绝及其原因、利用大数据、超算、人工智能开展深时生物多样性演变、定量古生物地理学;2)利用生物地球化学分析手段开展古环境、古气候和数字模拟研究;3)开展二叠纪地层学、根据采集的化石开展腕足动物和牙形类化石系统古生物学和系统演化研究等。 开授课程《生物演化与环境》通识课 生物演化是人类关心的永恒的主题。约38亿年的生命演化过程波澜壮阔,千变万化。地层古生物学家根据岩层中保存的化石和环境信息,努力恢复这一漫长的生命历史过程。生物及其类群如何起源?生物多样性怎么增加的?恐龙如何发生大灭绝?全球气候发生哪些重大变革事件?以及生命演化对人类的启示等内容。 《科学之光》——地球科学探索与实践创新之路 本课程集合包括两位中科院院士在内的南京大学地球科学与工程学院在科研上取得突出成就的高水平教师团队,围绕现代地球科学问题和技术应用领域的探索与突破主题,选取了古生物学、地层学、矿物学、岩石学、地球物理学等不同方面的重大课题,讲述科学与应用的故事。课程还包含了实验室参观、线上和线下的科学研讨等环节,扩展学生的科学视野,并锻炼科学的思维方式和研究方法。 科研项目
学术成果主要论著目录 专著或专集 Zhang, F.F., Chen, J.T., Shen, S.Z. (eds.). 2021. Paleozoic Earth-life systems: Understanding how life on Earth and its planetary environment have co-evolved through the Paleozoic. Earth-Science Reviews. Zhang, F.F., Shen, S.Z., Cui, Y. 2021. (eds.). Earth’s climate-environment-life systems in deep time. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 546. Gastaldo, R. A., Isozaki, Y., Kustatscher, E., Reisz, R. & Shen, S.Z. 2021. Permian Extinctions. Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 1-301. 沈树忠、徐海鹏、袁东勋、王玥、王军、张以春、王小娟、牟林、吴琼. 2020. 中国二叠纪地层及标志化石图集。浙江大学出版社,382 p. Shen, S.Z. & Rong, J.Y. 2019. Integrative Stratigraphy and Timescale of China. Science China Earth Sciences 62(1):1-348. (Special Issue) Lucas, S.G. & Shen, S.Z. (eds.). 2018. The Permian Timescale. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 450: 1-458. Rong, J.Y., Jin, Y.G., Shen, S.Z. & Zhan, R.B. (eds.). 2017. Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China, Volumes 1-2, 1-1077. Shen, S.Z., Zhan, R.B. & Huang, B. 2016. The Brachiopod World. Palaeoworld 25(4):465-684. (Special Issue) Shen, S.Z., Jin, J.S. & Shi, G.R. 2016. Ecosystem evolution in deep time: Evidence from the rich Paleozoic fossil records of China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 448: 1-382. (Special Issue) Xu, Y.G., Wang, C.Y. & Shen, S.Z. 2014. Permian Large Igneous Provinces: Characteristics, Mineralization and Paleoenvironment Effects. Lithos 204:1-270. (Special Issue) Shen, S.Z. & Shi, G.R. 2013. Late Paleozoic Deep Gondwana and Its Peripheries: Stratigraphy, Biological Events, Palaeoclimate and Palaeogeography. Gondwana Research 24(1): 1-242. (Special Issue). Shen, S.Z., Henderson, C.M. & Somerville, I.D. 2010. Lopingian (Late Permian) stratigraphy of the world, major events and environmental change. Geological Journal, 45(2-3):119-349. (Special Issue) Shen, S.Z. & Zhou, Z.H. (eds). 2010. Evolution of marine and terrestrial geobiodiversity in the history of the earth. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 53(12):1747-1940. (Special Issue). Wang, X.D., Shen, S.Z. & Somerville I.D., 2009. Carboniferous and Permian biota, integrative stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology. Palaeoworld 18(2-3):77-212. (Special Issue) Shen, S.Z. & Shi, G.R. 2007. Lopingian (Late Permian) Brachiopoda from South China, Part 1: Orthotetida, Orthida and Rhynchonellida. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, no. 6:1-102. Shen, S.Z., Wang, X.D. & Erwin, D.H. 2007. Contributions to brachiopod paleontology, Permian and Carboniferous stratigraphy and end-Permian mass extinctions-in memory of Prof. Jin Yugan. Palaeoworld 16 (1-3):1-263. (Special Issue) Shi, G.R., Campi, M. A. & Shen, S.Z. (eds.), 2006. The Permian of East and NE Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 26:173-436. (Special Issue) Shen, S.Z., Shi, G.R. & Archbold, N.W. 2003. Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopods from the Qubuerga Formation at the Qubu section in the Mt. Qomolangma region, southern Tibet (Xizang), China. Palaeontographica Abt. A,Band 268, 49-101, 15pls. 论文 沈树忠, 张飞飞, 王文倩, 王向东, 樊隽轩, 陈吉涛, 王博, 曹剑, 杨石岭, 张华, 李高军, 邓涛, 李献华,陈骏. 2023. 深时重大生物和气候事件与全球变化:进展与挑战. 科学通报. Fang, Q., Wu, H.C., Shen, S.Z., Fan, J.X., Hinnov, L.A., Yuan, D.X., Ren, C.Z., Zhou, M.Y., Zhang, S.H., Yang, T.S., Zhang, Y.F., Chen, J., Wu, Q., Liu, M.K. 2023. Long-period astronomical forcing of climatic and biological evolution during the late Paleozoic icehouse-to-greenhouse transition. Earth-Science Reviews, 240:104402. Yao, L., Kershaw, S., Shen, S.Z., Wang, X.D. 2023. A new reef classification model with insights into Phanerozoic evolution of reef ecosystems. Sedimentology, v. n/a, no. n/a. Li, R.C., Wu, N.P., Shen, S.Z., Wang, X.L., Chen, H.Y., Algeo, T.J., Zhang, H., Zhang, F.F. 2023. A rapid onset of ocean acidification associated with the end-Permian mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change, 225:104130. Yang, W.L., Chen, J.T.*, Gao, B., Zhong, Y.T., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Qi, Y.P., Shen, K.S., Mii, H.S., Wang, X.D., Shen, S.Z. 2023. Sedimentary facies and carbon isotopes of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian in South China: Implications for icehouse to greenhouse transition. Global and Planetary Change, 221:104051. Wei, G.Y., Zhang, F.F.*, Yin, Y.S., Lin, Y.B., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Cao, M.C., Li, N., Xiong, G.L., Chen, X.R., Fan, C.W., Xu, C.G., Tan, F., Zhang, X.Y., Yang, H.Q., Ling, H.F., Shen, S.Z. 2023. A 13 million-year record of Li isotope compositions in island carbonates: constraints on bulk inorganic carbonate as a global seawater Li isotope archive. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 344:59-72. Hou, Z.S., Shen, S.Z., Henderson, C.M., Yuan, D.X., Zhang, Y.C., Fan, J.X. 2023. Cisuralian (Early Permian) paleogeographic evolution of South China Block and sea-level changes: Implications for the global Artinskian Warming Event. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 613:111395. Wang, W.Q., Zhang, F.F., Zhang, S., Cui, Y., Zheng, Q.F., Zhang, Y.C., Yuan, D.X., Zhang, H., Xu, Y.G. & Shen, S.Z. 2023. Ecosystem responses of two Permian biocrises modulated by CO2 emission rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 602:117940. Tang, Y., Ye, X. Y., Wang, X. T., Huang, X., Hou, Z. S., Hu, K., Yang, S. R., Li, Y., Zhang, F. F., Shen, S.Z. & Wang, X.D. 2023. A synthesis of Carboniferous stratigraphy in Xinjiang, Northwest China with emphasis on regional and global correlations. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 241: 105476. Shen, S.Z., Fan, J.X., Wang, X.D., Zhang, F.F., Shi, Y.K. & Zhang, S.H. 2022. How to Build a High-Resolution Digital Geological Timeline? Journal of Earth Science, 33(6):1629-1632. Garbelli, C.*, Angiolini, L., Posenato, R., Harper, E.M., Lamare, M.D., Shi, G.R. & Shen, S.Z.* 2022. Isotopic time-series (δ13C and δ18O) obtained from the columnar layer of Permian brachiopod shells are a reliable archive of seasonal temperature variations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 607:111264. Shen, S.Z., Yuan, D.X., Henderson, C.M., Lambert, L.L., Zhang, Y.C., Erwin, D.H., Ramezani, J., Wang, X.D., Zhang, H., Wu, Q., Wang, W.Q., Hearst, J.M., Chen, J., Wang, Y., Qie, W.K., Qi, Y.P. & Wardlaw, B.R. 2022. The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Capitanian Stage (Guadalupian, Middle Permian). Episodes, 45(3):309-331. Sun, F.N., Hu, W.X.*, Cao, J., Wang, X.L., Zhang, Z.R., Ramezani, J. & Shen, S.Z. 2022. Sustained and intensified lacustrine methane cycling during Early Permian climate warming. Nature Communications, 13(1):4856. Zhang, S.H., Shen, S.Z., & Erwin, D.H. 2022. Two cosmopolitanism events driven by different extreme paleoclimate regimes. Global and Planetary Change 216:103899. Zhang, S.H., Shen, S.Z., Erwin, D.H. 2022. Latitudinal diversity gradient dynamics during Carboniferous to Triassic icehouse and greenhouse climates. Geology, 50(10):1166-1171. Wang, W.Q., Zhang, F.F.*, Shen, S.Z., Bizzarro, M., Garbelli, C., Zheng, Q.F., Zhang, Y.C., Yuan, D.X., Shi, Y.K., Cao, M.C., and Dahl, T.W. 2022. Constraining marine anoxia under the extremely oxygenated Permian atmosphere using uranium isotopes in calcitic brachiopods and marine carbonates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 594:117714. Cai, Y.F., Zhang, H.*, Feng, Z., Gou, X.D., Byambajav, U., Zhang, Y.C., Yuan, D.X., Qie, W.K., Xu, H.P., Cao, C.Q., Yarinphil, A. & Shen, S.Z. 2022. A new conifer stem, Ductoagathoxylon tsaaganensis, from the Upper Permian of the South Gobi Basin, Mongolia and its palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 104719. Khan, M.M.S.S., Umar, M., Pan, B., Sun, X.J., Ahmed, S., Luo, C., Zhao, F.C., Yin, Z.J., Qasim, M., Jadoon, I.A.K., Shen, S.Z., Ding, L., & Zhu, M.Y.* 2022. A newly discovered Neoproterozoic diamictite-cap carbonate couplet from the Western Himalaya: The expansion of the Marinoan snowball Earth glaciation to the northwestern margin of the Indian Plate in North Pakistan. Precambrian Research, 378:106759. Xu, H.P., Zhang, Y.C., Yuan, D.X. & Shen, S.Z.* 2022, Quantitative palaeobiogeography of the Kungurian–Roadian brachiopod faunas in the Tethys: Implications of allometric drifting of Cimmerian blocks and opening of the Meso-Tethys Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 601:111078. 申博恒, 沈树忠*, 吴琼, 张水昌, 张斌, 王向东, 侯章帅, 袁东勋, 张以春, 刘锋, 刘俊, 张华, 史宇坤, 王军, 冯卓. 2022. 华北板块石炭纪-二叠纪地层时间框架: 中国科学: 地球科学, 52:1181-1212. Chen, J.T., Montañez, I.P., Zhang, S., Isson, T.T., Macarewich, S.I., Planavsky, N.J., Zhang, F. F., Rauzi, S., Daviau, K., Yao, L., Qi, Y.P., Wang, Y., Fan, J.X., Poulsen, C.J., Anbar, A.D., Shen, S.Z. & Wang, X.D. 2022. Marine anoxia linked to abrupt global warming during Earth's penultimate icehouse. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(19):e2115231119. Zhang, F.F., Frýda, J., Fakhraee, M., Lin, Y.B., Wei, G.Y., Cao, M.C., Li, N., Frýdová, B., Wei, H.Z. & Shen, S.Z. 2022. Marine anoxia as a trigger for the largest Phanerozoic positive carbon isotope excursion Evidence from carbonate barium isotope records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 584:117421. Zhang, F.F., Stockey, R.G., Xiao, S.H., Shen, S.Z., Dahl, T.W., Wei, G.Y., Cao, M.C., Li, Z.H., Kang, J.Y., Cui, Y., Anbar, A.D. & Planavsky, N.J. 2022. Uranium isotope evidence for extensive shallow water anoxia in the early Tonian oceans. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 583: 117437. Zheng, Q.F., Zhang, H., Yuan, D.X., Wang, Y., Wang, W.Q., Cao, C.Q. & Shen, S.Z. 2022. High-resolution sedimentology, ichnology, and benthic marine redox conditions from Late Permian to the earliest Triassic at Shangsi, South China: Local, regional, and global signals and driving mechanisms. Earth-Science Reviews 225: 103898. Fang, Q., Wu, H.C., Shen, S.Z., Fan, J.X., Hinnov, L.A., Yuan, D.X., Zhang, S.H., Yang, T.S., Chen, J. & Wu, Q. 2022. Astronomically paced climate evolution during the Late Paleozoic icehouse-to-greenhouse transition. Global and Planetary Change, 213:103822. Yuan, D.X., Zhang, Y.C., Qiao, F., Xu, H.P., Ju, Q. & Shen, S.Z. 2021. A new late Kungurian (Cisuralian, Permian) conodont and fusuline fauna from the South Qiangtang Block in Tibet and their implications for correlation and paleobiogeography. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 589:110822. Angiolini, L., Cisterna, G. A., Mottequin, B., Shen, S.Z. & Muttoni, G. 2022. Global Carboniferous brachiopod biostratigraphy. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 512(1):497-550. 唐勇, 侯章帅, 王霞田, 王韬, 吴琼, 申博恒, 王文倩, 张华, 曹剑, 张水昌, 张斌, 王向东 & 沈树忠*. 2022. 准噶尔盆地石炭—二叠纪地层对比框架新进展. 地质论评 68(2):385-407。 Zhang, H., Zhang, F.F., Chen, J.B., Erwin, D.H., Syverson, D.D., Ni, P., Rampino, M., Chi, Z., Cai, Y.F., Xiang, L., Li, W.Q., Liu, S.A., Wang, R.C., Wang, X.D., Feng, Z., Li, H.M., Zhang, T., Cai, H.M., Wang Z., Cui, Y., Zhu, X.K., Hou, Z.Q., Wu, F.Y., Xu, Y.G., Planavsky, N., Shen, S.Z.* 2021. Felsic volcanism as a factor driving the end-Permian mass extinction. Science Advances 7, eabh1390, 13p. Wu, Q., Ramezani, J., Zhang, H.*, Wang, J., Zeng, F.G., Zhang, Y.C., Liu, F., Liu, C., Yang, W., Henderson, C.M., Shen, S.Z.* 2021. High-precision U-Pb age constraints on the Permian floral turnovers, paleoclimate change and tectonics of North China. Geology 49(6):677-681. Zhang, M., Qin, H.F. He, K., Hou, Y.F., Zheng, Q.F., Deng, C.L., He, Y. & Shen, S.Z.*, Zhu, R.X. & Pan, Y.X.* 2021. Magnetostratigraphy across the end-Permian mass extinction event from the Meishan sections, southeastern China. Geology 49:1289-1294. Hu, Z.Y., Li, W.Q.*, Zhang, H.*, Krainer Karl, Zheng, Q.F., Xia, Z.G., Hu, W.X. & Shen, S.Z. 2021. Mg isotope evidence for restriction events within the Paleotethys ocean around the Permian-Triassic transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 556: 116704. Wang, W.Q.*, Katchinoff, J.A.R., Garbelli, C., Immenhauser, A., Zheng, Q.F., Zhang, Y.C., Yuan, D.X., Shi, Y.K., Wang, J.Y., Planavsky, N. & Shen, S.Z.* 2021. Revisiting the Permian seawater 87Sr/86Sr record: New perspectives from brachiopod proxy data and stochastic oceanic box models: Earth-Science Reviews 218: 103679. Wang, C.S., Hazen, R.M., Cheng, Q.M., Stephenson, M.H., Zhou, C.H., Fox, P., Shen, S.Z., Oberhänsli, R., Hou, Z.Q., Ma, X.G., Feng, Z.Q., Fan, J.X., Ma, C., Hu, X.M., Luo, B. & Wang, J.L. 2021. The Deep-time Digital Earth program: data-driven discovery in geosciences. National Science Review 8(9): nwab027. Fang, Q., Wu, H.C., Shen, S.Z., Zhang, S.H., Yang, T.S., Wang, X.D. & Chen, J. 2021. Trends and Rhythms in Climate Change During the Early Permian Icehouse: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36(12):e2021PA004340. Deng, Y.Y., Fan, J.X., Zhang, S.H., Fang, X., Chen, Z.Y., Shi, Y.K., Wang, H.W., Wang, X.B., Yang, J., Hou, X.D., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.D., Chen, Q., Yang, A.H., Fan, R., Dong, S.C., Xu, H.Q., & Shen, S.Z. 2021. Timing and patterns of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event and Late Ordovician mass extinction: Perspectives from South China. Earth-Science Reviews 220: 103743. Shi, Y.K., Wang, X.D., Fan, J.X., Huang, H., Xu, H.P., Zhao, Y.Y. & Shen, S.Z. 2021, Carboniferous-earliest Permian marine biodiversification event (CPBE) during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age. Earth-Science Reviews 220:103699. Cai, Y.F., Zhang, H., Cao, C.Q., Zheng, Q.F., Jin, C.F. & Shen, S.Z. 2021. 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An updated age of Permian strata in the Raggyorcaka and Qamdo areas, Tibet and their paleogeographic implications: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 582:110660. Zhang, S.H.*, Fan, J.X., Morgan, C.A., Henderson, C.M. & Shen, S.Z.* 2021. Quantifying the middle–late Cambrian trilobite diversity pattern in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 570:110361. Dudás, F. Ö., Zhang, H., Shen, S.Z. & Bowring, S.A. 2021. Major and Trace Element Geochemistry of the Permian-Triassic Boundary Section at Meishan, South China. Frontiers in Earth Science 9:637102. Gastaldo, R.A., Isozaki, Y., Kustatscher, E., Reisz, R. & Shen, S.Z. 2021. Editorial: Permian Extinctions: Frontiers in Earth Science 9:772688. Cai, Y.F., Zhang, H.*, Feng, Z., Shen, S.Z. 2021. Intensive wildfire associated with volcanism promoted the vegetation changeover in southwest China during the Permian−Triassic transition. Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 615841. 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Journal of Paleontology 73(1): 47-61. 荣誉奖励2022年:何梁何利奖 2022年:《生物大灭绝之迷》获得2022年度中国科学院优秀科普图书 2022年:南京大学地球科学与工程学院科研贡献奖 2021年:获得“2020年度江苏省先进工作者”称号。 2021年: 获得南京大学2020年度科学研究突出贡献奖。 2021年:《科学家重现地球3亿多年生物多样性历史》获得2020年度《中国十大科学进展》、《中国十大科技进展新闻》、《中国高校十大科技进展》。 2019年: 获得《国际地层委员会》ICS Medal。 2015年:李四光地质科学奖 2013年:中国古生物学会《尹赞勋地层古生物奖》 2012年:《阐明二叠纪-三叠纪之交末生物大灭绝的模式及其原因》获得《2012年度中国科学十大进展》 2011年:江苏省第三期“333新世纪科学技术带头人工程”突出贡献奖。 2010年:《中国的乐平统和二叠纪末生物大灭绝研究》获得国家自然科学二等奖(第二获奖人) 2008年:《二叠纪末生物大灭绝》获得江苏省科技进步一等奖(第二获奖人) 2004年:《新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选》 2003年:《优秀回国人员成就奖》 风采展示 |
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